Saturday, April 4, 2009

YardSquawk Take One.

I really didn't plan it this way, to start my new business mid-recession, but that is what happened anyway. The Yard Squad is up and running and ready to spread the word.

I started Cfly Design, years ago, alone and with no capital. I hauled rock, laid flagstone, raked yards and yards of soil. I didn't do everything right, but I thought hard every day about every thing big and small that I could do to make this garden, this client's yard, better, prettier, more livable and then did it if I could. There was so much to know. I thought I'd never be good enough. I felt I hardly knew what I was doing sometimes- but I always knew what I wanted to accomplish. My gardens got better and better, and I learned quite a few things. About plants, design, project management, crews, stones, pruning, weather, slope, crappy Bay Area soil. The decision to start the Yard Squad comes directly from things I learned that are my guiding principles, things I have become passionate about. Starting with my two favorite words:

1) LEVEL. I believe that noone wants to hang around in a yard that tilts. If it's level, they will come. OK, sometimes there has to be slope- just not where you sit.
2) FLOW. I believe that noone wants to hang out in a yard they can't get to, and can't wander around in.

I want garden inhabitants (trying to find a better word for "clients"- Garden users? Garden Guardians?) I want my clients, when we are finished, to be able to carry a full Martini from one end of the garden to another. To do this you need it to be LEVEL. And you need to have FLOW.

I believe everyone can- no, should- have good design.
I believe sustainalility can have flowers.
I believe the big companies waste a lot of money.
I believe paying me to spend 3 hours pruning your 20-year-old Wisteria is not wasting money.
I believe there is way too much bad pruning.
I believe a Camellia shouldn't look like a Mushroom.
I believe in crisp, perfect hardscapes and riotous planting beds.
I believe in Walt Whitman Compost Mix.

Later, Cathy

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